What Am I Feeling?

What Am I Feeling?

What Am I Feeling? Why is it important to know how I feel? How I feel shows me how I’m doing and what I need. How do I become aware of what I’m feeling? It helps me to ask myself if what I’m experiencing is pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral, and if the energy in my...
Be A Duck

Be A Duck

Be A Duck The ducks slid through the water with what seemed to be no effort at all. They were breathtaking with their emerald feathers glittering in the sun. They were ducks being ducks and it was a beautiful sight. As Denzel Washington’s character in the “critically...
Be Kind To Yourself

Be Kind To Yourself

Be Kind To Yourself I play Pickleball (a fun combination of tennis, badminton, and ping pong) each week with a group of women. I was playing recently and my friend grew frustrated with how she was serving. With each miss, she berated herself more harshly. “It’s not...
You ARE Safe

You ARE Safe

You ARE Safe I have no idea what my dog suffered in the first four years of her life. I know when she came to live with us she reacted with aggression to any sudden sound or new person. She paced the house, struggling to settle, to be calm. We told her over and over,...