What Am I Feeling?

Why is it important to know how I feel? How I feel shows me how I’m doing and what I need. How do I become aware of what I’m feeling? It helps me to ask myself if what I’m experiencing is pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral, and if the energy in my body feels high or low. Then it helps to assess the scale of each. Feeling a lot of pleasantness and low energy means something in the range of content for me. Feeling a little unpleasant and high energy is unease. Once I’ve slowed down and tuned into how I’m feeling I can more easily answer the question of what I need. Contentment might mean intentionally soaking in the moment. Feeling uneasy might mean reaching out to someone and having a conversation that will soothe me. A great resource to help you identify, label, and track your emotions is an app called The Mood Meter by Emotionally Intelligent Schools, LLC. Check out other resources on my resource page.